Do websites give businesses an advantage they wouldn’t have had a few years ago?
Too many people still start a business without actually knowing whether anyone will want to buy the product or service they are selling, but by creating a basic website allows them to find out whether they have a viable proposition for their business.
Have you done your homework?
It is certainly true that many new businesses have not done their homework on the basics such as their potential market, pricing or competition. However, our experience has been that a quickie ‘have a go’ website will generally compound rather than solve the problem.
For a number of our clients, that first ‘quickie’ website almost proved the death of their business, sucking time and emotional energy from them when they needed to devote it to shaping their company, failing to deliver on promises of visitors, interest and sales and making them question whether they should have stuck to the day job rather than venturing into the shark-infested waters of self employment.
At this point Two Lizards have been happy to help them make a fresh start, using our experience to create a website that actually does what it is supposed to do: announce to as many people as possible that their business exists and start attracting customers.
It is bizarre to suggest that a basic, DIY type template website is a good way of finding out whether your business proposition is a good one any more than taking a jog round the block is good indicator of whether you will manage to complete the London Marathon. As anyone who has actually started a business will confirm, you need to give every aspect your best shot not least because, in today’s trading environment, few people have the luxury of a second chance.
How to make your website work for you
So here are two observations:
1.) Whether your website is absolutely central to your business because you are selling or attracting customers primarily via the internet, or it is a brochure site – a showcase for your brand and product/service offering – it needs to pull its marketing weight and be absolutely fit for purpose.
2.) Equally importantly, it needs to sit within a well thought-through marketing plan. Websites are great, but they aren’t magic. If you are selling something everyone wants but currently can’t find on the internet, the chances are that customers will quickly find you, start buying, tweeting links to all their friends and colleagues and your business will start to grow. For every other business, the basics of marketing still apply. Who are your potential customers? Why would they want to buy your products or services? How do you reach them if they don’t know about you? How do you keep them interested, persuade them to buy, recommend you to others and stay loyal?
Experienced in SMEs and growing businesses
At Two Lizards, we always discuss your whole business proposition before we make any recommendations. We are experienced in working with SMEs and growing businesses, and have been there ourselves, so we understand absolutely the concerns and pressures you have.
We are also unusual in offering a complete service under one roof, from brand design and development, business stationery (from scratch if needed, even helping you come up with a name for your new company) to marketing strategy, web development and search engine optimisation (SEO), direct marketing, press adds, brochures, leaflets and PR. And we offer really practical, hands-on advice on getting the most out of free media including social media and local business listings.
None of our work is ‘off the shelf’. It is created to be right for you, your business and your aspirations and, of course, your budget. And, working in the Guildford area, the Surrey/Sussex borders, London and the Home Counties, our friendly, local service is perfect for busy business owners. To find out more, get in touch now or call us on 07976 705848.