Are the keywords or search terms on your website working as hard as they should to bring in leads and business? Are you paying for AdWords that don’t deliver results?
As marketers with direct marketing backgrounds we are keen to ensure that clicks on our clients’ websites actually convert to sales. So when it comes to keyword and search term research for our clients, we look not just as potential for traffic but the quality of the visitors.
With research showing that longer search terms now outnumber one or two word searches, specific is good. Where you might have once searched ‘osteopath west london’, today you could go straight for, say, ‘cranial osteopath Hammersmith’. The results are likely to show exactly what you are looking for, so you are more likely to become a customer.
Of course if you are too specific, few if any will use the search term. It’s a question of balancing the likelihood of being found, with the existing competition and the quality of lead that is likely to result from a click-through.
As well as weighing up the best search terms for your business, there are other ways we help create a website that delivers quality leads. We ensure it has fast, easy navigation and gives the right level of information to potential customers, flags up the benefits of your business over the competition and makes it as easy as possible to contact you or to buy (including, where relevant, an incentive).
So think: are you getting the web traffic you feel you deserve? How many of your leads are actually converting to sales? For an experienced, knowledgeable and sales-driven approach to key words and search terms, email or call on 01403 731028.